Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blogs Are Like Diets...

I realized this morning that blogs, for me, are exactly like diets! I commit to them for a couple of days and seem totally focused and determined to DO IT but soon it becomes a mere idea :)! I always say, "this time I'm going to do it, I'll start on Monday." All too familiar phrase!
Anyway, here I am 8 months later giving another update! I don't even know where to start. But we'll see how this goes! Actually, before I give an update let's just talk about some things I have realized/learned about Oklahoma that are different from my Abbotsford upbringing...

1. Almost every recipe calls for beans of some sort.
2. Almost every recipe suggests serving it with corn bread.
3. Bank tellers look at me like I'm speaking French if I ask for Canadian currency. So I try to say it in Spanish and they STILL don't understand.
4. Canadian accents are EASILY mistaken for an Aussie accent (true story, has happened many times).
5. Washroom is quite possibly the funniest word ever.
6. 90 degrees is considered a nice cool day.
7. Sweet Tea and Dr. Pepper are considered a main food group.
8. $150,000 is WAY too much for a house.
9. Province or Providence are interchangeable.
10. "I'm from British Columbia.", "Oh, you don't have a very strong British accent!"

But, I LOVE it here! I really do! God has been SO good and blessed us beyond words. I have recently got involved with the Children's ministry at church teaching Sunday school on Sundays and also leading a circle group on Wednesday nights of 8-10 year old girls! I love it and am SO thankful for the opportunity! We have done a lot of traveling the last months and have got to see a lot of unique places! In March Joel's grandpa died so we spent a week in Stockton, KS with his family celebrating Grandpa's life and just being together as a family. Then in May we spent a week with Joel's parents and siblings in Pagosa Springs, CO in a timeshare and had an awesome time. The scenery and surroundings reminded me of home :)! Mountains and lots of trees. I was able to go home for two weeks in June with the kids and that was such a blessing, and then Joel was able to join us for a trip home in August for 10 days and we had a great time catching up with friends and families! We just recently had the privilege of having our niece, Ella stay with us for a couple of days! Joel's brother and his wife (Jason and Nancy) had a baby girl, Elysha, and so we took Ella for a couple days to let them adjust. My sister in law and I took Jaida and Ella to see Disney on Ice and it was AMAZING! The girls loved it and so did the adults :)! Now, on to the entertainment and energy suckers :) in our lives! I am into lists right now, so that's what I'm gonna do...

Ramblings of Jaida...
1. "Cows make milk, and Horsey's make poo."
2. "Jeremy, that is not appropriate."
3. "Sometimes I call my baby brother Jer or Jer Jer or Bubba...oh that's a funny name."
4. Me: "Jaida, are you hungry?"
Jaida: "No thanks, I had some yogurt yesterday!"
5. "FINALLY I'm naked!"
6. "Mommy, look at this bra, it's gonna be so nice for some ladies boobies!"

Tactics of Jeremy...
1. Grabs things out of Jaida's hand and RUNS for dear life!
2. Eats
3. Hits Jaida on the head with a book and RUNS for dear life!
4. Eats
5. Pulls Jaida's hair and RUNS for dear life!
6. Eats
7. Drive his cars on ALL and ANY flat surface.
8. Eats
9. Sits on Jaida and giggles.

Thanks for reading! I know this is all over the place and thrown together but that's about what are life is like right now :)! Jeremy just woke up and more than likely he is covered in pee so I don't want to make him wait too long! Blessings!

Until next time...
Grace and Peace

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jeremy's Bday and Other Ramblings

Well, it has been over a month now since my last entry and so I figured it was time! We just celebrated Jeremy's first birthday! All birthdays are special but this one for Jeremy had a unique dynamic to it. We not only got to celebrate his 1st birthday but also got to celebrate the miraculous gift of his life. God spared our son and obviously has great for purpose for him and his life. We are so blessed and so thankful. It was overwhelming and the emotions were high as we celebrated with family and friends his first year of life. What also made it very special was that Rand and Jonah were here and able to enjoy this day with us. I was so thankful to have Rand here, she always helps me with the cakes (she stole all the creative genes :) and get things organized. It was such a blessing!

We continue to settle in to our new home and new life in Oklahoma! I am learning my way around the city and love to spend time at Ross, Marshall's, Target and Walmart, even if I don't buy anything, I just love looking around! The weather is really starting to get nice and I am looking forward to spending time outside with the kids enjoying our backyard! We just need to get a few outdoor toys for them, it looks pretty bare right now!

Joel is still job searching. He is working with John Mark right now but it doesn't quite pay enough. Please pray for him as he continues to search and seek God's direction in this area.

We also found a church! PTL! We love it and feel right at home!

Here are a few pics from Jer's bday and Rand and Jonah's visit. Enjoy! Blessings!

Rand & Jonah at the party!
Jonah & Jeremy at the Zoo!
Jeremy enjoying his cake!

Jeremy in his bday shirt from Auntie Randi!
Jai cuddling up to the birthday boy!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Some Pics...

We have been home now in Oklahoma for a week and it has been great! The weather has been beautiful, the kids have been amazing, and Joel and I have finished unpacking the boxes and finding a place for everything. I even tried some new recipes in my kitchen :)! Joel didn't make any funny faces when he ate them so I guess they weren't too bad! Jaida LOVES her room...she will play for hours in there and she actually enjoys going to bed with her new blanket (thanks Mom)! That has been such a blessing, we didn't really have ANY battles with bedtime! Although last night she did come running to our room in the middle of the night yelling, "I'm scared!" Poor girl, must have had a bad dream! Jer is loving life! He motors around for hours, and doesn't get tired. In Abbotsford he would get so tired so fast and be breathing so hard after crawling just a little bit so it is amazing to see him to free! Another confirmation that this is where the Lord was leading us!

Today we started church shopping! We went to Christ's Church of Yukon and really enjoyed it! So friendly and welcoming and had a great options and facilities for the kids! We will attend a few more over the next few months, keep praying and then settle in where we feel the Lord is leading us! We are so excited to see what God has in store for us!

Here are a few pics of us and the house (they are the same ones that I put on facebook)...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We Made It! PTL!

First of THANK YOU for all the prayers as we ventured to Oklahoma! ALL the prayers were answered and we made it safe and sound! The kids were unbelievable and I actually got to sleep for 30 mins on the first flight :)! Joel greeted us at the airport with tears, hugs, kisses and flowers :)! God is good!

Here is how our trip went...

We left at 4:30am giving ourselves 2 1/2 hours to get to the airport! Plenty of time?? We were detained at the border for 45 mins, they asked us so many questions, well, so many of the same questions just all worded different to try and get me to stumble! Thank goodness we had a letter from our doctor explaining Jer's situation and that he needed to be in a drier climate for his health. I think that was our saving grace. They threatened me a few times that they shouldn't let me in. I have already applied for my spouse visa but didn't have any documentation proving that I had (it's still all being processed), so the border guard said, "so, you said that you have applied for your K3 visa and it will take 4-6 weeks to be processed, so why are you leaving before you receive it?" The Lord gave me a quick response and I turned around, pointed at Jeremy and said, "for our son, that's it, no other reason!" He stamped my slip and said, "all the best, but make sure that when you come back and want to re-enter the States you need to have documentation proving that you have filed for your K3 visa." That was it, we were on our way!

We made it to the airport at 7:30am and my plane left at line up was so long and we made it through at 8:15am...ran to our gate and boarded our plane right away. Jeremy slept the ENTIRE first flight and Jaida watched Thomas the Train (a PERFECT Christmas present from Dallas), didn't make a peep! The lady in front of us threw up the WHOLE way so that was gross but other than that, uneventful! We landed in Denver, grabbed McDonalds and found a quiet corner where the kids could run and crawl around! For the second flight I gave both of the kids Tylenol and Benylin, a great and safe combo. Jaida fell asleep five mins before we boarded and Jer fell asleep 5 mins after we boarded...again, peaceful the entire time!

I learnt a few things about the kids that day...Jer farts CONSTANTLY in his sleep! He was straddling me and sleeping on my chest so I would still have my hands free to help Jaida and there was a constant rumble on my cute! And Jaida will drink from ANYONE'S cup no matter what! We were waiting at our gate and she was wandering around and all of a sudden I see her pick up a pop cup from the ground, stare at it and start to bring it to her mouth, before I could get there she took a drink...SICK!!! Unreal, she is fearless, loves trying new things and really is on her own program MOST of the time! But we survived!

We have had a great weekend setting up house! Our Christmas decorations are up and it is starting to feel like home! Today Joel's parents are coming up to go out for dinner for my birthday! Chilli's, my favorite restaurant! I will post some pics next post! Love to all! Blessings!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Adventure Begins

Well, I guess we have kind of been on our moving adventure since we decided to move but we are officially moving on Dec 12th. Joel is actually leaving on Nov 28th because he needs to attend some workshops for being a TOC and then I am flying down with the kids on the 12th. Hard to believe it is actually happening but we are still at such peace and looking forward to making our home in Oklahoma (and for Jeremy to be healthier).

On a completely different note, Jaida is almost potty trained. We started just over a week ago and she has been doing really well. She tells me when she has to go, even when we are out and about. We are just working on pooping on the toilet! For some reason she finds that akward :) but she is doing really well! We are so proud of her!

Other than that, it's the same old. Spending a lot of time getting things together for moving! I think we are almost there! Hope you are all doing well! Blessings!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Daily Laughs and Dual Kids

Well, so far today has been a big day for us Phelps! Jaida and Jeremy are OFFICIALLY dual citizens :)! We are SO thankful for this blessings! One stress to cross off the list! They now have a Canadian passport and an American one as well (which is like a hardcovered book)...weird! Anyway, they can travel freely and EASILY live in which ever country they want. PTL!
We spent the weekend in Seattle with my family! It's kind of become our annual tradition! The girls get to shop, and the boys get to watch the kids and watch football :)! But we did go to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and it was amazing! They had the most incredible animals and it reminded me of how amazing our God is! We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for! We had a great time!

Jaida is a charater and she will do whatever it takes to get a good reaction. She loves to trash talk, talk back, yell at Jeremy and recklessly throw her body around when she doesn't get what she wants. She really is a perfect example of a kid in their terrible toes and defines it VERY well. She is definitely making the most of it and enjoy her time in this phase of her life. This morning I was trying to catch some kodiak moments of the kids :) and when I asked jaida to smile, she threw her head around, raised her hand and yelled, "Mom, today I am NOT cheesing." Haha! Kids say the darndest things! Here are a few of the pics I was able to get! Have a great day! God is good!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oklahoma Bound

God took us on a crazy whirlwind weekend in Oklahoma looking for a house! We got in late Thursday night after a nightmare of a day with a 3 hour delay with our flight but we made it. We got up early Friday morning and starting looking at houses! By 5:00pm we were done and had checked out 16 houses! We narrowed our choices down to two houses and put an offer on the first. By Saturday night that one fell through so we were on to the next. Sunday morning we got up early again looked at a few more houses just in case another offer fell through...sure enough by Sunday night our second house offer fell through, so late Sunday night we put another offer on a different house! We figured that we should probably have a few more choices to fall back on just in case this one didn't work out either. So we got up early Monday morning and went and looked at two more houses, one had just been put on the market last Sunday night! Our realtor got a call while we were looking at houses and the counter was not giving us much hope so we moved on. The LAST house we looked at on Monday morning we LOVED and it was the one that had just been put on the market...we didn't waste much time and put an offer in because we were flying out Monday evening and then we waited and waited and waited...15 mins before we passed through security our realtor called and the counter was good...completely what we expected and what we were willing to do! PTL! God was definitely with us on our adventure and we had such peace! We are SO excited about the house especially the big yard for the kids to play! We are probably moving at the end of December...God willing but we'll see! "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what GOD has PREPARED for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9. God has reminded us of how HE loves us and provides for us through other people. My parents came with us and Joel and I DO NOT know how we would have handled this decision without their love, encouragement, discernment, expertise, and support! It was amazing and we KNOW it was one of God's ways of taking care of us! Also, John Mark and Sarah (Joel's brother and his wife) showed up at our hotel with groceries and goodies so we would be able to just come back and relax...another way we KNOW God took care of us! We are so blessed and SO excited for this adventure God is taking us on! "The Lord says, "I will guide you along the BEST pathway for your life." He will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8-9. Thanks Ange for that reminder of TRUTH! We held onto that verse ALL weekend! Blessings!